Kelly and Ball Principles of Insurance Law

Kelly and Ball Principles of Insurance Law

Principles of Insurance Law provides comprehensive coverage on all aspects of insurance law at a general level and also provides commentary on a number of discrete insurance industries including property, life, personal accident, liability, marine and reinsurance. It provides a clear and authoritative picture of the principles and practical aspects of insurance law in Australia and New Zealand. Principles of Insurance Law contains in-depth analysis of common law principles and statutory provisions within the various areas of insurance law, including regular updates on case law and regulatory developments.

The authors, Justice Michael Lee Ball of the NSW Supreme Court and retired barrister and Professor of Law David St Leger Kelly were instrumental in the creation and introduction of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth).

Authors & Experts

Authors and Experts

Kelly and Ball Principles of Insurance Law

05 January 2022 09:38

Other Titles

  • Insurance Law Bulletin
    Insurance Law Bulletin offers a nationwide analysis of current and interesting legal issues relating to insurance law for practitioners, which summarises news, analysis, policy, legislation, case law and information of conferences and seminars that are important to insurers and their legal advisers.
  • Australian Insurance Law Annotated
    Insurance law annotated provides a quick reference guide to the primary insurance legislation. It provides concise and accessible annotations of key Commonwealth insurance legislation for insurers, their legal and professional advisors and insurance intermediaries. It is also a 'go-to' publication which points the user in the right direction for further research such as case law and secondary source material. It includes coverage of aviation, marine, terrorism and medical malpractice insurance.