Ford, Austin and Ramsay's Principles of Corporations Law

Ford, Austin and Ramsay's Principles of Corporations Law

FORD is widely recognised as the No. 1 gold standard corporation law commentary in Australia and provides a subject-based analysis of the entirety of the Corporations Act 2001 and relevant case law. It provides a sophisticated analysis of each subject area and, where relevant, includes a historical analysis of the evolution of the law and contains comparative analysis of overseas statutes and case law.

It deals with the creation, operation and winding up of a company, building from basic legal principles, case law and legislation. Of particular interest to practitioners will be detailed discussion of the regulatory regime, third party dealings, costs, evidence and procedure, control transactions and the securities industry. Also features detailed commentary on companies and company law; the corporate entity; corporate governance; corporate liability; corporate finance; dividends and issue and sale of securities; control transactions; and external administration including insolvency.

Authors & Experts

Authors and Experts

Ford, Austin and Ramsay's Principles of Corporations Law

11 January 2022 04:17

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