Patents, Trade Marks and Related Rights

Patents, Trade Marks and Related Rights

This publication contains detailed commentary on Patents; Plant Breeder's Rights; Trade Marks; Confidential Information and Unfair Competition. Written by expert practitioners, content is regularly updated to include detailed discussion of the most recent case law. It also contains the full text of all relevant legislation and selected international conventions. Regular bulletins provide vital information on legislative amendments, recent decisions and policy developments.

Authors & Experts

  • Phoebe Arcus
  • Johnathan Adamopoulos
  • Jane Rawlings
  • Andrew Sykes
  • Erhan Karabardak
  • James Lawrence
  • Ean Blackwell
  • Justin Wheelahan
  • Lucy Davis
  • Michael Christie
  • Sharon Givoni
  • Dimitrios Eliades

Authors and Experts

Patents, Trade Marks and Related Rights

10 January 2022 14:27

Other Titles

  • Copyright and Designs
    This publication is solely devoted to copyright and designs law and provides thorough discussion of all the latest case law as well as containing the full text of all relevant legislation and selected international conventions. Regular bulletins bring you up-to-date information on legislative developments, recent decisions and policy developments.
  • Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin
    The Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin has been published for over 15 years. The bulletin is at the cutting edge of this complex and dynamic area of law. At all times, the practical implications for industry and commerce are considered. Current news, opinions and court decisions are compiled to provide subscribers with a source of relevant information.
  • Intellectual Property Precedents
    This is the only Australian looseleaf service to provide detailed intellectual property precedents, so you no longer have to search across numerous products to locate the precedents you need. Intellectual Property Precedents contains detailed precedents and concise introductory notes across intellectual property subject areas such as branding, science, technology and entertainment. Clear and easy-to-use, this work is an ideal complement to existing LexisNexis major works on Intellectual Property: Copyright and Designs (IPC); Patents, Trade Marks & Related Rights (IPP) and Intellectual Property Reports (IPR).The introductory notes will detail where such precedents should be used and, where necessary, will note important cases/legislation that helped frame the precedent.