David Randle

Former contributor to Practical Guidance Criminal. Barrister, formerly at 7 Garfield Barwick Chambers

Area of expertise

Criminal law (including appeals, complex fraud matters, white collar crime, WorkCover and other regulatory prosecutions, and extradition), Public and Administrative Law, Environment and Land-use Planning Law, General Civil Disputes


Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) with Bachelor of Environmental Management, Macquarie University LLB (Hons 1) with B.Env Mgt (Macquarie)

About David

David has a wide range of experience appearing as an advocate in all jurisdictions in NSW, and has successfully appeared unled in contested substantive proceedings in the NSW Court of Appeal, Court of Criminal Appeal and Common Law Division of the Supreme Court.

The following is a short selection of recent cases that David has appeared in (some client names abbreviated for matters not widely in public domain):

R v Tuhakaraina [2016] NSWCCA 81 – unled, successfully resisted Crown appeal for inadequacy of sentence

JC v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2014] NSWCA 228 – unled, successful judicial review challenge to lower court decision relating to statutory interpretation

R v JR (No.4) [2013] NSWSC 1106 – led by S Russell, acquittal for murder and manslaughter following judge-alone trial

WorkCover Authority of NSW v SF (3 October 2014, NSWDC, unreported) – unled, acquittal for various offences relating to onsite workplace death; favourable costs order made

R v Moylan [2014] NSWSC 944 – led by Sutherland SC, widely publicised sentence proceedings relating to protester’s hoax ANZ-press release for Whitehaven Coal; full-time custodial sentence not imposed

BSF v Roads and Maritime Services [2014] NSWSC 858 – unled, successful judicial review challenge to public authority’s decision to cancel public transport accreditation in denial of procedural fairness

Prior to coming to the Bar, David was a senior member of two of Sydney’s leading private law firms that specialised in criminal law and, prior to that, land use and environmental planning.