Personal Property Securities in Australia

Personal Property Securities in Australia

The LexisNexis Personal Property Securities in Australia service is a practical guide to assist you in ensuring compliance with the new PPS regime that came into effect on 30 January 2012. Whether you are reviewing documents or practices to ensure that interests are secured, drafting new contracts, or concerned about its impact on specific transactions that you engage in, Personal Property Securities in Australia will help you to understand how the new system differs from the old, with discussion of similar schemes in NZ and Canada, explain what the new system will mean for business with a discussion of the key implementation and transitional requirements, identify what changes need to be made in order to ensure business interests are protected under the PPS scheme and to ensure ongoing compliance with all relevant legislation provided, outline the impact of the changes on existing transactions and future dealings with 13 chapters devoted to specific types of transactions such as receivables financing, securitisation and intellectual property and it will assist in drafting clauses under the new scheme with a drafting guide and detailed annotations to the PPS Act provided.

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Personal Property Securities in Australia

05 January 2022 05:18

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