Journal of Equity

The Journal of Equity aims to be of service to the academic community, practitioners and students of law. High quality contributions from the academy and the legal profession will be considered for publication. The Journal publishes articles, notes and shorter analysis, comments, book reviews and review essays dealing with equity and topics that are related to or have implications for current themes in equity. Analytical, theoretical and empirical approaches are all within the Journal's remit, as are contributions detailing and analysing recent developments or dealing with issues of policy and law reform.

The Journal of Equity is international in coverage. Contributions dealing with the law of any common law jurisdiction or which take a comparative approach are welcomed. This is a refereed journal and the content is controlled by an editorial board following a formal process of peer review.

The Journal of Equity adheres to guidelines based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. This journal publishes three issues annually.

Style Guidelines

Authors are expected to follow the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities.

Submission Requirements

Word Limit

While the Journal does not adhere to a strict word limit, articles would normally be in the range of 8-10,000 words, though longer or shorter pieces may be accepted where appropriate for the topic. Submissions should contain footnotes not endnotes. A statement of the number of words, inclusive and exclusive of footnotes, should be included in your covering email.An abstract of 100-150 words must be included.

The abstract is not included in the overall word count.


For the purpose of peer review, articles should be anonymised. Contributors must include their full name, title, qualification, as well as a mailing address and contact number in their covering email.


Graphics, tables, graphs and diagrams should be kept to a minimum. They should be in greyscale; no more than 10cm in width; of high resolution; font is to be Times New Roman, no more than 10pt; must not contain footnotes. Graphics not complying with these requirements will not be published.

Peer Review

All contributions to the Journal of Equity are subject to double blind peer review.


By submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal of Equity, the contributor licenses LexisNexis to publish the manuscript, as approved by the Editorial Board following the peer review process, in the Journal of Equity and in other publications in print or electronic form with due attribution.


By submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal of Equity, the contributor warrants that the manuscript is an original work, has not been published before, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, including online publications.


(a) Open Access Repositories

On publication, the final accepted manuscript may be uploaded to SSRN, the contributors’ personal or university website or other open access repositories. The final publisher version (ie, including any copy editing, typesetting or LexisNexis pdf pages) may not be uploaded.

Contributors must note that the work is published by the Journal of Equity and provide the full publication citation.

After 24 months from the date of publication, the final published version of your article (ie, including any copy editing, typesetting or LexisNexis pdf pages) may be made available on open access repositories including the contributors' personal websites and university websites.

(b) Commercial Publishers

In no case may the published article or final accepted manuscript be uploaded to a commercial publisher's website.

How to Submit

All submissions must be made via the 'Submit an Article' portal on this website. Submissions sent via email will not be accepted.

Submit in Word format only. PDF files or links to external sites are not accepted.

Submissions must be in a 'ready to publish' state, not in draft form. If accepted for publication, authors will have the opportunity to review proofs of their edited work before it is published.

No fees are charged for manuscript processing.


Simone Degeling, Professor, UNSW Law School
Elise Bant, Professor of Private Law and Commercial Regulation, UWA Law School.
Ying Khai Liew, Professor, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne

Editorial Board

The Hon Joseph C Campbell KC, Adjunct Professor, University of Sydney Law School
Prof Robert Chambers, Professor and Department Chair, Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law
Prof Matthew Conaglen, Professor of Equity and Trusts, University of Sydney Law School
The Hon Justice James Edelman, Justice, High Court of AustraliaProf Brendan Edgeworth, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law and Justice, University of New South Wales
Dr Steven Elliott KC, Barrister, One Essex Court
John Emmerig, Partner, Jones Day
Prof Joshua Getzler, Professor of Law and Legal History, University of Oxford Faculty of Law
The Hon W M C Gummow AC, Overseas Non-Permanent Judge, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
Matthew Harding, Dean, Melbourne Law School
Prof Lusina Ho, ProfessorUniversity of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
The Hon Justice Francois Kunc, Justice, Supreme Court of New South Wales Equity Division
The Hon Justice Mark Leeming, Challis Lecturer in Equity at University of Sydney Law School; Judge of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales
The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM KC, Adjunct Professor at University of Sydney Law School; Independent mediator, arbitrator and referee, Eleven Wentworth
Prof Keith Mason AC KC, Chairman of the New South Wales Electoral Commission; visiting professorial fellow at the University of New South Wales ; former President of the Court of Appeal of New South Wales
John McGhee KC, Wilberforce Chambers
The Hon Justice Andrew Phang, Vice-President, Singapore Court of Appeal
Prof Lionel Smith, Sir William C Macdonald Chair, McGill University Faculty of Law, and Visiting Professor, University of Oxford Faculty of Law
Prof Michael Tilbury, Kerry Holdings Professor of Law, Chair in Private Law, University of Hong Kong, and Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
Prof Peter Watts, Barrister and Arbitrator, Bankside Chambers; Emeritus Professor, Faculty of law, University of Auckland; Visiting Professor, University of Oxford, and Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College
Prof Dame Sarah Worthington DBE KC (Hon), Downing Professor of the Laws of England and Director of the Cambridge Private Law Centre, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law; Deputy High Court Judge, Chancery Division
The Hon Peter Young AO, Former Chief Judge in Equity, Supreme Court of New South Wales

Past Issues

View the Table of Contents of past journal issues here.

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By submitting a manuscript for publication with LexisNexis, the contributor licenses LexisNexis to publish the manuscript, as approved by the Editorial Board following the peer review process, in the LexisNexis journal or other publications in print or electronic form with due attribution.

By submitting a manuscript to LexisNexis, the contributor warrants that the manuscript is an original work, has not been published before, including online publications, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

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