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Austin Black

Contact Us

LexisNexis is committed to providing you with quality service. Our friendly team is available on our toll free phone number 1800 772 772 from 8am to 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday. We can answer your queries on Austin & Black's Annotations to the Corporations Act or any of our other products, as well as provide you with pricing information, account information, payments, help you to open an account and assist you with any other general information you would like.

For General Enquiries

Phone us:

Email us:

Fax us:

Mail us:
1800 772 772 - 8am to 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday


02 9422 2405

Customer Relations, Level 9
Locked Bag 2222
Chatswood Delivery Centre
Chatswood NSW 2067


For Technical Assistance

Call us:

Email us:

Fax us:
1800 999 906 - 8am to 6pm AEST, Monday to Friday


(02) 9422 2405

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