Sam McCullough

Areas of expertise

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Laws

Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP)

Professional Organisation

Worrall Lawyers

Sam McCullough


Sam McCullough is a Director of Worrall Lawyers, Hobart, a law firm specialising in estate law and related private client services.  

He is the representative of the Tasmanian Law Society on the National Elder Law & Succession Committee, and an Associate of the Tax Institute. He was admitted to legal practice in 2003 as a graduate of the Leo Cussen Institute, Melbourne, where he was awarded the Foley’s List prize for advocacy.

He is a regular presenter in his areas of practice at a state and national level, an author of numerous professional development papers and products, and a contributing author to the Tasmanian Law Reports.

Publications and Editorial Contacts

Statutory Will Applications: A Practical Guide, Contact: Practitioner Texts