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It's important to play by the Rules

LexisNexis is the authorised publisher of ASX Rules Publications

The role of the ASX: The ASX Rulebooks

Currently the ASX issues and administers rules that govern the operation of the Australian financial markets. 

The rules govern:

  1. Admission of new market participants
  2. Surveillance of trading activity (continuous disclosure obligations only – ASIC now monitors surveillance)
  3. Monitoring of capital adequacy of brokers (up to 12 months after transfer date i.e. up until 1 August 2011)
  4. Referral to ASIC (continuous disclosure referrals and notifications)
  5. Disciplinary Tribunal

The role of ASIC: ASIC Market Integrity Rules

From 1 August 2010 responsibility for supervising domestic licensed financial markets in Australia transferred from the ASX to ASIC.

ASIC issues and administers rules, called the Market Integrity Rules, that govern:

  1. Surveillance of all trading activity (ASX maintains surveillance of continuous disclosure)
  2. Monitoring, investigating and enforcing compliance with the Market Integrity Rules including broker client rules
  3. Monitoring of capital adequacy of brokers (12 months after transfer date i.e. from 1 August 2011)

It is now necessary for market participants to comply not only with the ASX Operating and the ASX 24 Operating Rules, but with the ASIC Market Integrity Rules also.

  • Note: The Market Integrity Rules are administered by ASIC. LexisNexis is not the authorised publisher of the ASIC rules.

A subscription to the rulebooks will:

  • Ensure regulatory compliance

  • Foster high levels of corporate governance

  • Promote investor confidence

  • Meet the expectations of shareholders and clients
  • Provide you with reliable access to the full text of the rules in hardcopy or online
  • Ensure you have the most current version, removing the need for you to continually monitor changes