Gerard Skelly

Former contributor to Practical Guidance IP, Registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney and Solicitor, formerly at Shelston IP

Area of expertise

Australian trade mark law and practice


Bachelor of Laws, Sydney University
Bachelor of Science, Macquarie University
Diploma of Education, Macquarie University

About Gerard

Gerard is a registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney and solicitor with over 25 years experience in trade mark law and practice.

Gerard is a senior trade mark practitioner and provides strategic advice relating to the protection, management and enforcement of trade marks, including handling clearance searches, prosecution of trade mark applications, trade mark oppositions, trade mark infringement advice and related issues under the Australian Consumer Law, as well as business, company and domain names.

Gerard has previously worked with another large firm of Australian trade mark attorneys and with a multi-national law firm. He has been recognised as a leading trademark practitioner in World Trademark Review 1000 The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals, a leading trademark lawyer in Asia IP experts and an intellectual property expert in Managing Intellectual Property IP Handbook.