LexisNexis carries a selection of leading Administrative Law publications including Australian Administrative Law, the Administrative Law Bulletin, Australian Journal of Human Rights and Administrative Law decisions.
Product Liability Reporter
The Australian Product Liability Reporter is a vital source of practical legal information on the rights and remedies arising out of loss or damage caused by defective or unsafe products. It covers product bans and recalls, current government initiatives in this area, judgments and settlements. Regular and detailed coverage of overseas developments will keep you informed of significant changes in government policy, new legislation and landmark court decisions. The Editorial Panel includes lawyers on “both sides of the fence” in product liability — that is, those representing manufacturers, and those acting for injured plaintiffs.
Product Liability Reporter
08 February 2022 02:54
Other Titles
Product Liability Australia comprehensively covers all areas of Product Liability in Australia. The service includes extensive commentary, written originally by Dr Ellen Beerworth, and currently updated by Peter Holloway. The service also extracts a number of Directives & Policy documents published by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Consumer Credit Law's commentary makes sense of the new national consumer credit regime as well as continuing to provide all relevant information on the former state based uniform credit code, delivering credit providers, legal practitioners and consumer advisors across the country with expert analysis of case law and legislative obligations. The disparate nature of the legislation and other ASIC and state material turns our two-volume service into a concise reference tool to access most of the primary material people practicing in this area will need access to.
This unique publication provides comprehensive, timely coverage of competition and consumer law. Led by General Editor Adrian Coorey, the Editorial Panel of practice area experts offers comprehensive commentary on current developments, enabling busy practitioners to remain at the forefront of this area of law. The newsletter covers recent cases, legislative changes and issues facing competition and consumer lawyers both within Australia and internationally.
For a first point of reference to the Competition and Consumer regime, this is a highly valuable service. LexisNexis produces a single volume, "take to court" service. Our author, Ray Steinwall is highly regarded in this field. He is the General Counsel for Novartis Group (Australia and New Zealand) and is a member of both the Australian Competition Tribunal and the Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council. The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 is heavily annotated, including the Australian Consumer Law (which is Sch 2 of Competition and Consumer Act 2010) and the recent Harper amendments. At the start of each Part of the Act, the author has prepared an overview and some history to the development of that area of the Act to make it as easy as possible to follow. This sets each Part in context, prior to the annotations of the individual sections. In addition, our ancillary material is wide ranging for this publication.