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Recent Changes to LexisNexis Publication Names

Following the regulatory changes on 1 August 2010, a number of our publication names have changed:

Pre-1 August Rulebook title

Post-1 August Rulebook Title


ASX Listing Rules


No change


ASX Market Rules

This rulebook was split and replaced by two new rulebooks:
1) ASX Operating Rules (administered by ASX) 
2) ASIC/ASX Market Integrity Rules
Note: if you were already a Market Rules subscriber prior to 1 August, you will automatically have access to both rulebooks as part of your existing online subscription. If you are a hardcopy subscriber we anticipate that you will receive your new ASX Operating Rules towards the end of August/early September.

ACH Clearing Rules

ASX Clear Operating Rules


ASTC Settlement Rules

ASX Settlement Operating Rules


Operating Rules of SFE

This rulebook was split and replaced by two new rulebooks:
1) ASX  24 Operating Rules (administered by ASX)    
2) ASIC/ASX  24 Market Integrity Rules
Note: if you were already an Operating Rules of SFE subscriber prior to 1 August, you will automatically have access to both rulebooks as part of your existing subscription.


SFE Clearing Rules

ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules


Austraclear Regulations

No change


ASX Disciplinary Processes and
Appeals Rulebook

ASX Enforcement and Appeals Rulebook